Louis and Kathy DeSiena
Senior Leader
Louis and Kathy DeSiena are apostolic leaders of the Gate Church. They founded the Gate Church in 2007.

Margaret Burk
Assistant Senior Leader
Margaret Burk is an ordained prophet and the Senior Associate Leader. Margaret is a powerful teacher and heads up a lot of our prayer training.

Jerry and Denise Grubb
Jerry and Denise Grubb are the pastors at the Gate Church and head up all pastoral counseling and inner healing.
Jeremy and Kyrie Norris
Pastors Young Adults
Jeremy and Kyrie lead a group of young adults that love Jesus and explore the possibilities of the kingdom.

Keefer and Devon Novik
Children's Ministry
Keefer and Devon bring a fresh vision to the Gate Church's children's ministry. We are glad that have joined the team.
Kyrie Norris
Worship Leader
Kyrie is a passionate worshipper of the Lord and leads the house in exploring the depths of worship.