How it all started...
In 2004, while driving in Nashville, Louis had an encounter with the Lord. In this encounter, the Lord spoke to Louis about starting a church in Jacksonville, Florida. The Lord told him that He desired to release His power in Jacksonville. Louis began to pray and seek the Lord's plan, and in 2007, the Gate Church was born. Since then, the people of the Gate Church have witnessed the supernatural. From the manifestations of diamonds, gold dust, and feathers, to healings and miracles.

Expanding the vision...
The Gate church is more than a place to gather. We are an apostolic house that is dedicated to training and equipping God's people. We have many ways to be trained and equipped. Our vision is expanding for the nations. Come and join the team as we labor with eh Lord for His kingdom.
Where we are headed...
As of now, the Gate Church is using the facilities of UNF. We are in the processor saving for our own facility where we can build for the future. But the building is just the material side. Our heart is to equip an army of prophetic and apostolic believers to rule and reign.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:30 am prayer and 10 am worship.