Visitor Check In

Welcome to The Gate Church. In 2004, the Lord spoke to Louis and Kathy by Apostles and Prophets that they would build a church of people committed to the presence of God. We are passionate about worship and prayer. We believe in God's Holy Word and the Power of God to transform the lives of those who surrender to Him. We have a vision, mission, and a purpose.
Our Vision: is the Kingdom of God on Earth.  Through Revival(Hosting His presence), through Power(Releasing our faith and His Spirit to impact people’s lives) and Love (Meeting people at their point of need and bringing God’s answer).  

We are an apostolic house and a apostolic and prophetic people.  

Our Mission: is the People of Jacksonville, Northeast Florida and the World.  To bring them into relationship through Jesus Christ and empower them with the Holy Spirit and the truth of His word.  

Our Purpose: is to see the Earth full of men and women who are able to bring heaven’s realm (God’s rule) into the seven mountains.  (Arts & Entertainment, Business, Education, Family, Government, Media, Church)